Our Law Firm in Cape Coral, FL
Welcome to Powers & Rogers, PLLC, and thank you for considering our firm to assist you with your legal needs. This is the first step in what we hope will be a lifelong partnership between you and our firm. Here at Powers & Rogers, PLLC, we pride ourselves on building relationships with our clients. While some firms focus on volume and take on every case that comes through the door, here at Powers & Rogers, PLLC, we take on fewer cases so that we can focus on delivering the best service possible to our clients. We have experience in numerous areas of civil litigation, so we are able to provide our clients with a concierge experience. Most importantly, we work together on all of our cases. This means that any case that comes through our doors gets the attention of two seasoned litigators and benefits from the unique skills and experiences of each attorney. If you are concerned that this means you’ll be charged twice as much, however, don’t be. We invite you to compare our rates to other firms in the area.
Powers & Rogers: Your Cape Coral Law Firm
At Powers & Rogers, PLLC, we pride ourselves on building relationships with our clients. While some firms focus on volume and take on every case that comes through the door, we take on fewer cases so that we can focus on delivering the best service possible to our clients. We have experience in numerous areas of civil litigation, so we are able to provide our clients with a concierge experience. Most importantly, we work together on all of our cases. This means that any case that comes through our doors gets the attention of two seasoned litigators and benefits from the unique skills and experiences of each attorney.
Law Firm Blog & Recent News
Grandma Is Giving Her Money Away
Protecting Your Loved Ones From Financial Elderly Abuse Are you protecting your loved one from financial harm or meddling in their business? Read on to find out. BLOG Grandma's Generosity: When to Worry Aging often brings changes, sometimes causing concern among loved ones. If a loved one is suddenly giving away money – large sums, frequent gifts, or to unfamiliar people – it's wise to question why. Understanding Their Intentions Is this generosity in line with their values? Have they always been charitable? If so, and they’re comfortably supporting themselves, it might simply be their way of expressing kindness and finding purpose in this stage of life. However, if it's new or excessive, investigate further. [...]
Kara Rogers Named President of Lee County Association for Women Lawyers (LCAWL)
President of Lee County Association for Women Lawyers (LCAWL) Cape Coral attorney Kara B. Rogers, Esq., of the law firm Powers & Rogers, PLLC, has been selected as President of the Lee County Association for Women Lawyers. BLOG Kara B. Rogers, Esq. Selected as President of the Lee County Association for Women Lawyers (LCAWL) Cape Coral attorney Kara B. Rogers, Esq., of the law firm Powers & Rogers, PLLC, has been selected as President of the Lee County Association for Women Lawyers. The Lee County Association for Women Lawyers (LCAWL) is the local chapter of the Florida Association of Women Lawyers (FAWL). LCAWL actively promotes and supports the advancement of women within the Lee County legal community. [...]

Our Values
You aren’t cookie-cutter, and your lawyer shouldn’t be either.